In light of the need for internalization and the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy, the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (CTLD), NTNU would like to invite you to join us in our EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Workshop, to be held on March 24th. The workshop offers faculty and doctoral students in higher education institutions an opportunity to participate in a systematic discussion about EMI and to reflect on their own EMI practices, with a goal of improving the overall quality and applied knowledge of English instruction.
Topic / 講題: From ESP to EMI: Student Support and Teacher Professional Development
Speaker / 主講人: Dr. Eric Yen-liang Lin (Director of Media and Language Teaching Center, National Taipei University of Technology)
Date / 日期:Thursday, 2022/3/24
Time / 時間:16:30-18:00
Venue / 地點:Cheng 101, NTNU 臺師大校本部文學院誠大樓一樓誠101階梯教室
- Please note that this workshop will be conducted in English.
備註:本工作坊演講以英文進行 - Registration will be closed at 12pm, Monday the 21st of March.