[Event Highlights] 2023/09/28 Exchange Students Welcome Party in College of Liberal Arts

On September 28th, the College of Liberal Arts hosted a welcoming event for incoming exchange students in this semester. The event was attended by Associate Dean, Prof. Joan Chang, and student advisers from three departments. Our college’s International Coordinator David Wu served as the host today. The exchange students in this party are from the Czech Republic, Germany, and Hong Kong. The College of Liberal Arts thoughtfully prepared traditional Taiwanese snacks for lunch, including pork buns (刈包), crab cakes (蟹殼黃酥餅), turnip cakes (蘿蔔糕), and scallion cakes (蔥油餅), hoping our students could savor various culinary goodies.

During the gathering, David provided an insightful overview of the College of Arts’ structure and shared valuable insights into campus life. He also extended an enthusiastic invitation to the students to participate in the upcoming “Crossing the Mountain and the Sea” outdoor activity. The primary objective of this event was to foster connections between local and exchange students. This welcome party is envisioned as the starting point for building a robust network of exchange students and students at NTNU.