National Taiwan Normal University and Nihon University cooperate in relocation teaching courses-hope that the cooperation between the two schools will be further enhanced

2013/03/11 National Taiwan Normal University and Japanese Universities cooperate in relocation teaching courses-hope that the cooperation between the two schools will be further enhanced

[Interview by campus reporter Huang Xinwei (Chinese Department 103)] “The Teaching Relocation program has been held for the last 3 years and students are getting more and more integrated throughout the years. They started to blend in into the school’s program. Professor Yugun Riku from Nihon University explained that this overseas relocation in cooperation with the College of Liberal Arts of NTNU Teaching Relocation program has shown a positive result, proving its effectiveness that lead students to gradually adapt to learning different knowledge through international inter-school exchanges. A great thanks are also given to Professor Wu Wen-hsing from the Department of History, who has made a great contribution in helping the school to promote this innovative teaching activity, and we hope that the cooperation between both schools will become even better in the future.
A total of 27 Japanese university students led by Professor Yafu Fukuda, Professor Yugun Riku, the Minister of Communications and Education, and Makoto Nagai, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Department of the Ministry of Communications and Education, came to NTNU for a week starting from February 19th to the 24th. In this overseas relocation teaching program, the courses are divided into two different categories; static classroom lectures and dynamic off-campus visits.
Among them, the static lecture course was arranged and jointly planned in both schools (Nihon University and National Taiwan Normal University). In NTNU, we have Professor Wu Wen-hsing who was teaching “Taiwan Education in the Japanese Occupation Period”, and Professor Chen Kuo-chuan with “The Development and Characteristics of Taiwan’s Industrial Activities from Geographical Conditions.” Meanwhile, at Nihon University, Professor Yugun Riku was giving lectures on topics about the “Trajectory of Taiwan’s Economic Development” and “Developed East Asia and Taiwan’s Economic Development”, and Professor Fukuda’s lecture on “Taiwan’s Legal System” and many other related topics. The content is mostly based on the history between Japan and Taiwan and this mainly covers the subjects including education, economy, industry, and law system.
Nihon University student named Tomoko Uemura said that she was very happy to have the opportunity to hear Professor Riku and Professor Wu’s lecture. She commented, “Because it is an international school exchange, I have learned a lot of knowledge and learned a lot about the development of Taiwan’s history.” She is especially grateful for this teaching exchange program. She was also very satisfied with all the teaching resources provided and the warm hospitality she has received from the History Department and the School of Letters of National Taiwan Normal University.
The dynamic off-campus visit is to take students to visit many historical places such as the National Taiwan Museum, the 28th Memorial Hall, the National History Museum, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Guandu Mazu Temple, Tamsui Fort San Domingo, Aletheia University, TamKang Senior High, Mackay Memorial Hall, and the official residence of the Customs and Taxation Department, Tamsui Old Street, Sun Moon Lake, Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village, National Palace Museum, and many more. Through field visits and investigations, we can learn more about the relationship between Taiwan and Japan’s history, as well as Taiwan’s history and culture. Special Japanese-speaking guides are arranged during the entire visit. Overseas students could rest assured that they won’t be missing any information on the scenic spots due to the language barrier or difficult connotations.
After going through the cultural exchange program at NTNU, a Nihon University student, Asami Watanabe, said that he was very happy to take this opportunity to learn. He obtained a lot of new knowledge and get to learn lots of cultural differences between Japan and Taiwan. He mentioned, “I get to learn a lot of differences between the two countries and I get a better understanding of both countries histories and specialties.” As for the on-site visit, Asami mentioned that the happiest thing he gets to experience is to have a deeper understanding of Taiwan’s traditional aboriginal culture.
Although the planning of overseas relocation teaching activities is not an easy task, Professor Riku also explained that initially, Nihon University were not very supportive of this program, but after gradually seeing the positive results, the University decided to gives its full support to this program. Both universities are working harder each day to organize more fun activities that give students the opportunity to learn different cultures and knowledge at the same time. Special thanks are given to Professor Wu, Director Chen of the Department of History at NTNU, and Dean Chen of the College of Liberal Arts, and others for their help and assistance in all aspects of the project. Only by their hard work and contributions, this program able to be held in Taiwan for three consecutive years. The overseas teaching of NTNU is becoming more and more fruitful.
Regarding the planning of the entire event, Chen Deng-wu, the head of the Department of History, said that the planning of the course and the arrangement of the activities were mainly the responsibility of Nihon University by discussing the cooperation model with Professor Wu Wen-hsing beforehand. “Because Nihon University has given high recognition to National Taiwan Normal University, it is possible to promote exchanges by understanding that the humanities of the National Taiwan Normal University have a leading position in Taiwan.” This relocation teaching activity is fully funded by the Nihon University, and the history department only uses a little of the Department’s funding to provides little hospitality services such as snacks, tea, and other necessary teaching aids and equipment. Even the five doctoral students mobilized by the department to serve as assistants did not receive any work-study grants. All efforts are executed to bring forth the program’s highest utility.
In the future, Professor Riku of Nihon University hopes that Taiwan Normal University can lead students to teach in Japanese universities, so that Taiwanese students can also learn Japanese culture, and hope that the cooperation between the two parties will become closer and the relationship between the two universities will be carried onto a higher level.

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