【文學院代為公告】「英美文學夏日講座」: 6/12 “Poetry Reading and the Role of Native Arts in Indigenous Resilience and Flourishing” Virtual Lecture


第三場 “Poetry Reading and the Role of Native Arts in Indigenous Resilience and Flourishing” ,有幸邀請到美國威斯康辛大學Kimberly Blaeser 教授於6/12()為我們帶來精彩的線上演講~





In this virtual event, Professor Kimberly Blaeser will read and perform her poetry with comments on The Role of Native Arts in Indigenous Resilience and Flourishing. She will share both her poetry and picto-poems, ephrastic work built with her own or historical photos; crossing over multiple boundaries of arts, poetry, criticism, and Indigenous movement.

Professor Blaeser is an award-winning writer, photographer and scholar, as well as a member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. An author of four poetry collections, she was named Wisconsin Poet Laureate for 2015-16, and currently teaches English and Indigenous Studies at the University of Wisconsin.


【Date】June 12th, 2020 (Friday) 10:00~11:00 am [Taiwan time]

【Topic】Poetry Reading and the Role of Native Arts in Indigenous Resilience and Flourishing

【Lecturer】Professor Kimberly M. Blaeser (English and Indigenous Studies, University of Wisconsin)

【Moderator】Professor Hsinya Huang (American and Comparative Literature, National Sun Yat-Sen University)

【YouTube Channel】http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDx43q3x0HpCJzSiO-5ubw

【EALA Facebook Page】https://www.facebook.com/EALAtaiwan/

【Event Link】https://www.facebook.com/events/256416975451049/

主辦單位: 中華民國英美文學學會、國立中山大學、余光中人文講座



E-mail: ealataiwan@gmail.com

網站: http://www.eala.org.tw