跨院EMI活動 – Bodybuilding & Fitness EMI Forum Post author:Vice Dean Office Post published:2023-04-06 科工x管理x運休x文學 四院合辦 EMI 活動啦~ 這次特別邀請到國際健美總會世界冠軍劉翔及國際健美總會教練Pedro Gudiel 來和大家分享健身密技。想在夏天來臨前擁有緊實的身材嗎? 趕快掃QR Code 報名吧! Feeling the heat in the air🔥🔥🔥 Whoahoo!Let’s heat up and get ready for the hottest EMI Forum!On April 28th in the main campus, College of Sports and Recreation, 3rd floor, Elite Lecture Hall- we are expecting to see y’all there!IFBB Pro trainer and contestants are coming to NTNU to talk about/ demonstrate Bodybuilding and Fitness.Hotties are in the room so what are you waiting for huh? Sign up now to reserve your spot!*Food provided after the forum