Dear Colleagues, Network Partners, and Friends,
Greetings from Toronto. Welcome to the March edition of the UNESCO Chair Newsletter! From 6-10 March 2023, we will celebrate the global SDG Awareness Week and the national SDG Week Canada as a broad collaboration of the higher education community, featuring a number of events and activities. The week is dedicated to promote awareness and action for the SDGs among students, faculty and staff in the higher education communities across the globe and to inspire local activities to achieve our shared vision of sustainable development.
Charles Hopkins will contribute a (virtual) public lecture, Educating for Tomorrow’s Unknowns: Sustainability Front & Centre, on 7 March 2023 at 7 pm (EST) to discuss how we can elevate sustainability – from being a topic to talk about towards a purpose of education, and the unique role(s) that education can play in striving towards a better future.
A lot more is happening in March! Find a selection of events and opportunities as well as recent publications and other news that might be of interest to you. Please feel free to share this newsletter with your colleagues and make sure to stay well.
Charles Hopkins & Katrin Kohl
UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability, York University