【代公告-新增線上會議】10/26 (四) 臺大高研院【高峰論壇系列十】「有AI相伴,地覆天翻?AI時代的文化新貌」〈第一場〉




Vanguard Summit Series 10The World Turned Upside Down? Cultural Sea Change in the Era of AI

論壇介紹 / Series Introduction: After the emergence of generative AI, the world was completely scandalized and our civilization as a whole has definitely entered uncharted waters. Will the world be turned upside down? Are we witnessing the first signs of a new revolution? Or even more drastically, is this the beginning of an end that has shown signs in many aspects of human civilization already, say, the Anthropocene? How are we going to cope with all the possible sea changes, short term and long term? This series is meant to reflect on the vicissitudes brought about by the dawning of this new era.


〈第一場〉1st Event

講題 (Title)Philosophy after Automation


主講人 (Speaker):許煜 Yuk HUIProfessor of Philosophy and Chair of Human Conditions, Erasmus University Rotterdam

主持人 (Moderator):廖咸浩 Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao

(臺大人文社會高等研究院院長、國立臺灣大學外國語文學系特聘教授 / Dean at IHS, NTU; Distinguished Professor at Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU)


📌日期 (Date)20231026日(四)Oct. 26 Thur.

📌時間 (Time)15:00 – 17:00
📌地點 (Venue):文學院演講廳 (Lecture Hall of the College of Liberal Arts)

📌報名連結 (Sign-up link)https://forms.gle/xgAEBRyLfkTFXgtv8


演講摘要 (Abstract)
 “Philosophy after automation” is an attempt to reflect on the possibility of philosophy after its completion in cybernetics, as claimed by Martin Heidegger. It is presented here as both a question and an imperative. It serves as an invitation to ask what is the place of automation in philosophy, especially that of our time—the prefix auto– already signifies an auto-position and auto-nomy; at the same time, philosophy demands a deepened reflection on automation as its condition of existence. This talk will reconstruct the history of modern Western philosophy, departing from Kant’s Critique of Judgment and situating cybernetics within this history in order to elaborate on a new condition of philosophizing.


活動流程 (Rundown)

14:45 – 15:00 觀眾報到、入場 (Audience check-in)

15:00 – 15:05 主持人致詞 (Welcome speech)
15:05 – 16:40 
主講人演講 (Speech)
16:40 – 17:00 Q&A


主辦單位 (Organizer)國立臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院 (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NTU)
合辦單位 (Co-Organizer)國立臺灣大學外國語文學系 (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU)


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*活動前一天將發送出席通知予報名成功者。(Attendance notifications will be sent to those who have successfully registered the day before the lecture.)


聯絡人 (Contact):研究助理邱恩琪 (Research Associate En-chi, Chiou)
電話 (Phone)02-3366-2582 #16


信箱 (Email)ntuihs@ntu.edu.tw