
110-2 文學院 國際/學術/文化 交流活動




3/14 Monday: Reading in the 2020s

What do you read besides class-assigned texts?

地點:誠大樓 B1 文學院會議廳

第一次的文學院跨文化英語交流會已完美落幕!本次活動的主題為Reading in the 2020s,特別邀請到雅思IELTS考試考官Alex老師,透過影片、文字等豐富的媒體素材,帶領大家恣意地徜徉英語中,十分享受今天的跨文化交流會。另外,正好碰到本周Alex老師的生日,貼心的雙語專員準備了一個小驚喜蛋糕送上祝福!

本活動共會舉行6次,期待下次與大家相見。See you next time~

3/28 Monday: Social Media and the Internet Era

How much sway do online influencers have, and is it appropriate?

4/15 Friday: Eastern Education and Western Education

Are we studying and learning the same thing?

4/22 Friday: Earth Day

Do people really care about the environment?

5/9 Monday: Multicultural Societies

How multicultural is Taiwaneses society?

5/23 Monday: English and Bilingual Taiwan

What are the biggest challenges of EMI classes?


系列講座-美國篇 Louisa Chang(4/20)

時間: 4/20(三)12:20-13:10
地點: 誠大樓B1文學院會議廳

文學院第一次跨文化系列講座-美國篇圓滿落幕。文學院特別邀請到來自美國的主講Louisa Chang與同學分享台/美的種族、大學、政治與文化差異。期間同學互動、反響熱烈,期待下一次的跨文化活動。

系列講座-越南篇 黃海龍(4/27)

時間: 4/27(三)12:20-13:10
地點: 誠大樓B1文學院會議廳


系列講座-捷克篇 Jaroslav Kubalik (5/20)

時間: 5/20(五)12:20-13:10


系列講座-馬來西亞篇 Ryan Cheah (5/30)

時間: 5/30(一)12:20-13:10



Thanks to the CLA’s Cross-Cultural English Club, I could immerse myself into an all-English environment. I am usually too shy to speak English and always not having enough confidence to express myself. This gradually becomes the biggest challenge when I want to communicate with others in English. During the club, I had the chance to express my thoughts in English, to have conversations with partners in English, and to enhance my English speaking ability in fun!

Alex shared a broad variety of interesting topics and some questions that I had never ever thought of. Not only that, all the topics that Alex covered were highly relevant to our daily lives. We talked about social media literacy, education differences between the East and the West, bilingual Taiwan, and so on. We even had the topic of “Earth Day” exactly on Earth Day. The coolest thing is that we all went vegan that day since our lunches were vegetarian ones. Though we ended up online due to the pandemic, Alex still designed heaps of approaches, materials and resources to help us interact better in the club online.

Later on when I was listening to a podcast or watching videos, some of the ideas that we covered in these similar topics flooded back to my mind. For instance, I recently suddenly started to develop an interest in another foreign language, so I looked for some videos on YouTube. One of them was about a foreigner learning the language. It mentioned that we can spend time doing “active learning” and “passive learning”, bringing me back to the memories of what Alex shared. Exactly! There are many ways that we can improve our English besides classes. Alex also shared some online resources for us to enrich our English in different ways. There should not be any excuses for not improving our English anymore!

The club was extremely different from most English classes at school. Unlike previous classes I took, I could share ideas in English with classmates in the club. English became alive! It was no longer only a subject, but rather it is an actual language to me now.  Alex, the staff from the College of Liberal Arts and all the participants, together created such extraordinary experiences. After all the six meetings of this club, I feel myself more open and more comfortable speaking English. Looking back at my progress, I appreciate that one of the CLA staff encouraged me to join the club and that I did make the right decision. Undoubtedly, I had a great time, and surely, I would highly recommend my friends to join us if they want to improve their English speaking proficiency. I hope there will be more opportunities like this in future semesters.


I learned a lot of things from these presentations. Though I did not join every presentation, I was really happy that I was there. I remember, in the topic called Social Media and the Internet Era, when Alex introduced what the Internet brought to us nowadays. There are various videos on social media, and how to take advantage of them is what we need to think of. If we want to learn something from the internet, we must use the website with reliable sources.

Moreover, Alex pointed out what the economy is on social media; do those streamers with the highest subscriber number have something in common? He compared some of them and shared his ideas about how the population of their country had a relationship with subscriber numbers. However, the content still affects us. On TikTok, some streamers use their sense of humor to catch the attention of the public. But, some still make use of eye-candy content, for example, with lip-syncing and massive amounts of chemical reactions in videos.

Also, I learned some new internet acronyms. Although it is not useful “irl” and looks silly if we say it out, it brings us convenience when typing, especially lengthy sentences. Yet, some acronyms do not work in every country. For example, “DM” works in Taiwan, but it sounds weird when we use it in other countries.

I agree with some of Alex’s ways of thinking. The way he thinks is very valuable, such as using comparison and bringing out questions. He was here not like teaching, but more like sharing and guiding us to think. Thank you, Alex, for what you brought to me. This skill is useful in my life.


Many international students enter our school each year, but we rarely get a chance to learn a lot about the cultures of their homelands. Fortunately, the NTNU College of Liberal Arts provided a series of cross-cultural presentations that helped us understand the cultures of other nations. I learned a lot about Malaysian food and multiculturalism during today’s presentation.

The speaker started off the presentation by explaining Malaysia’s multiculturalism briefly. He then showed us many pictures of the delicious food in Malaysia and introduced the food and the local customs. I was already familiar with some dishes, including Nasi Lemak, Dry Curry, Satay, Roti Telur, Teh Tarik, and Nyonya Laksa.

The part of the presentation I was unfamiliar with is the Baba Nyonya culture. I hadn’t heard of the beautiful Baba Nyonya Porcelains before, and the word “Tok Panjang” was also new to me. According to the speaker, “Tok Panjang” combines the word “Tok” from the Hokkien language and “Panjang” from Malay and is literally translated as “long table.” I find it interesting that the origin of the word, as well as the meaning, reflects Malaysia’s multiculturalism.

Before the presentation, I thought that I had a good understanding of Malaysia since I had been to Malaysia many times. However, this informative presentation made me realize that I only knew a few superficial things about Malaysian culture. In addition to the speaker, I would also like to thank the College of Liberal Arts for holding the cross-cultural presentation series, which has allowed us to learn more about the cultures of our schoolmates’ homelands. I hope that there will be even more similar activities for us to join in the future.


「跨文化英語交流會」旨在營造輕鬆的氛圍,提供同學們全英語的交流環境。文學院特別邀請到Alex老師,透過影片、文字等豐富的媒體素材,帶領大家恣意地徜徉英語中。Alex與同學們一同深度探討東西教育差異、雙語臺灣、多元文化、地球日、閱讀與媒體識讀等六大主題。不同於一般的課堂英語,各個主題皆與日常息息相關。且Alex 在活動安排插入一些問題,並鼓勵同學們與身邊的伙伴分享,讓同學們有機會能開口用英語發表自己的見解。除了英語能力的培養之外,同學們也能藉此傾聽不同的觀點,對這六大主題有更深一層的認識。另外,每一場次都有不同的驚喜,特別是地球日當天,Alex 也介紹地球日與許多與環保、永續相關的議題,文學院也貼心地準備素食便當供同學們享用。

「跨文化系列講座」請來四位來自不同國家的講師,分別是美國、越南、捷克與馬來西亞。他們分享了自己國家的文化、歷史、美食、教育等等,絲毫不藏私。同學們也和講師熱烈的互動,講師更是打破許多刻板印象,又傾囊而出許多驚奇。來自美國的Louisa 不僅介紹家鄉美國西岸洛杉磯的亞洲文化,也分享了在東岸紐約和英國倫敦求學時所碰上的文化衝擊;在越南場時,黃海龍老師甚至帶了飄洋過海的咖啡壺與咖啡豆,想讓同學們見識越南咖啡令人驚豔的威力;來台數年的Jarda 幽默地介紹家鄉的風土民情,也帶領同學稍稍領略捷克語艱澀、奧妙的魔力;Ryan 則端上了一道道南洋家鄉味,遠自馬來西亞飄香來台。在疫情侵擾的時候,尚能偷得幾十分鐘,潛入其他國家的人文風景裡,周遊列國,過個充實的午後!




【師大新聞】文學院產業EMI課程 促進產學交流 拓展學生視野 (閱讀更多…)

澳洲代表來訪: Australian Office (2/25)

外賓來訪: Patrick Hafenstein from Trade and Investment Queensland (3/18)

外賓來訪: 主管英文顧問公司 Executive Plus 創辦人 Sherry (3/25)

AIT來訪: Eric Frederick、Precila Kao、Tina Leung (4/01)

外賓來訪: Steven Murray from British Council (4/22)

Mock Interview: (4/29)

外賓來訪: 艾司摩爾 Pamela Lin (5/6)


Back at the beginning of the semester, I added this course at the very last minute. To be honest, I was not sure if I should start planning my career this early since I am only in my first year. I did not want to put so much pressure on myself yet, and I just felt like enjoying learning at that moment. Luckily, I did participate in this course, and now I have a clearer view on not only my career plans, but also my field of study.

Throughout the semester, I have learned so much about résumé writing and dos and don’ts in an interview. The professor has given us many instructions on all things concerning our future careers. She helped me with writing my first CV and even revised it with me. This was one of my biggest achievements of the semester. Besides, we also had a mock interview in English that was given by the IHRD graduate students. I did not perform well that day since I was completely freaked out. However, at least I now have a sense of how interviews go, especially in English! Also, being aware that I will get to that level of nervousness for an interview is exceptionally crucial.

I think the highlight of this course is that Professor Chern scheduled seven special lectures for us. She invited speakers from different countries and different institutions. Each of them shared a lot about their occupations, some tips for applying for jobs, and positions that need good English. The speakers were all so enthusiastic. What is more, many of them also told us their personal stories to give us some advice. I can still recall that a staff member from the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) wanted us to think about “What is the culture of the company? Will I be happy? How will it influence my life, my family?” and so on. I will forever keep in mind that the professor once said in class that we need to get prepared and ready to grab the opportunity we want. It is their past experience that mottos like these derive from. I will keep it in mind for when I am looking for employment one day. However, we unfortunately had to turn to online classes and cancelled the visit to AIT due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, isn’t flexibility one of the key characters we hope to develop?

During the courses, I already learned so much about career planning and a bit of workplace ecology. At the end of the semester, we had to hand in a video about our field of study. While collecting information for the video, I scanned through courses that my department offers. Then looking back at my own field of study, I feel that I have a deeper understanding of “what I want to be” as well as “who I want to become” in the future. It is now clearer what I want to study in the upcoming semesters and I am going to choose my own elective courses soon. As Professor Chern has always encouraged us to be bold, I will also try to participate in courses from different departments to discover my interests and as many opportunities as I can. I have already attended three EMI courses and they all went well, hence I am looking forward to more for sure.


Hi, my name is Tim. I’m from the department of geography. This semester, I participated in Career Exploration in English, which I think was a really content-rich and helpful course for me to connect to the future career path. There were several weeks that we had invited speakers giving us lectures or speeches. The companies and organizations varied widely, and we had officers from, for example, AIT (the American Institute in Taiwan), the British Council, TSMC, and TIQ (Trade & Investment Queensland).

Each time we had different topics, starting from the very beginning, we were taught how to introduce ourselves. Then we were given some ideas and advice about what we should write on our résumés and how to make them stand out. Mock interviews offered us the opportunity to practice as if we were in a real one, so that we could know what kind of questions we might be asked and what mistakes we might make, then we could work on them before encountering struggles and trying our best to avoid making the same mistakes.

Moreover, there were field trips planned originally but got cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation. I think if given the chance next semester, it will be interesting and inspiring to visit the AIT office and have a deeper understanding of their working environment. In my field of study, every student gave a presentation which was informative, helping us to understand different fields and their potential future careers. Overall, there are lots of directions for our future, so cultivating our own useful abilities and a positive attitude is the most important thing I learned from this course.
